Yesterday, I posted a variation of this post on LinkedIn, indicating that now that I have sold Hreflang Builder, I will be working as an advisor and shifting my consulting focus back to some of the work I did at the beginning of my career.
I get the most fulfillment when I am intellectually stimulated and solving problems. A few years ago, after one of the worst sets of meetings I ever had, I threw my mouse against the wall in frustration. I was honestly sick and tired of trying to explain to companies why they needed to do the things that should be fundamental. I told my wife I wanted to solve real problems not working for people that are going through the motions.
Global Web Effectiveness is not just another buzzword; it’s a crucial aspect of your digital transformation journey. It encompasses the holistic experience of usability, technical infrastructure, brand identity, and best practices in website management, all tailored for a worldwide audience. These practices must be documented, shared, and enforceable to maintain consistency, quality, and effectiveness.
Centralizing Global Web Solutions—Many aspects could/should be centralized, including hreflang, sitemaps, templates, digital assets, and SKUs. Surprisingly, few companies even consider the increased efficiency and effectiveness of centralizing these core activities.
Hreflang Implementation & Management – more than just offering a solution but developing the strategy and making the implementation and, most importantly, management more effective.
Website Transformation Performance Preservation – collaborating with companies to preserve the current performance and maximize gains from major infrastructure shifts including changes to domain names, platforms, creative or technology refreshes, and consolidation of or changes in content.
Global Centers of Excellence – Your global web infrastructure can only be truly effective when there is collaboration, cooperation, direction and governance. Using shared goals, solutions, and infrastructures, companies can be exponentially more successful than when they are working independently.
I’m looking forward to working on a few key projects with some amazing friends and partners, including how-to guides, webinars, and a new podcast that will kick off later this week.